• Wireless Equipment
  • Video Survillance
  • Accessory
  • Rakwireless
  • Milesight-IoT
  • Dragino
  • Sensor probe
LoRaWAN Microwave Radar Distance Detection Sensor
The Dragino LMDS200 is a LoRaWAN Microwave Radar distance sensor.
US$ 230.00 US$ 180.00 180.0 USD
LoRaWAN 4-Channels Distance Detection Sensor
The Dragino LDDS04 is a LoRaWAN 4-Channels Distance Sensor for Internet of Things solution.
US$ 150.00 US$ 98.00 98.0 USD
NB-IoT UltrasonicDistance Detection Sensor
NB-IoT Distance Detection Sensor for Internet of Things solution
US$ 150.00 US$ 98.00 98.0 USD
LoRaWAN LiDAR ToF Distance Sensor
The Dragino LLDS12 is a LoRaWAN LiDAR ToF (Time of Flight) Distance Sensor for Internet of Things solution.
US$ 210.00 US$ 150.00 150.0 USD
LoRaWAN Distance Detection Sensor
LoRaWAN Distance Detection Sensor for Internet of Things solution
US$ 150.00 US$ 99.00 99.0 USD
Photosynthetically available Radiation Sensor
photosynthetically active radiation sensor is mainly used to measure the photosynthetically active radiation of natural light in the wavelength range of 300-3000nm
US$ 300.00 US$ 250.00 250.0 USD
Rain & Snow Detect sensor
WSS-04 is a RS485 rain / snow detect sensor. It can monitor Rain or Snow event.
US$ 88.00 US$ 60.00 60.0 USD
US$ 210.00 US$ 185.00 185.0 USD
Wind speed and direction sensor
WSS-02 is a RS485 wind speed and wind direction monitor designed for weather station solution.
US$ 150.00 US$ 99.00 99.0 USD
Rain Gauge Sensor
WSS-01 RS485 Rain Gauge is a weather monitor instrument to monitor rainfall.
US$ 160.00 US$ 120.00 120.0 USD
NB-IoT Soil Moisture & EC Sensor
The Dragino NSE01 is a NB-IoT Soil Moisture & EC Sensor designed for IoT of Agriculture.
US$ 200.00 US$ 183.50 183.5 USD
LoRaWAN Soil pH Sensor
The Dragino LSPH01 is a LoRaWAN Soil pH Sensor for IoT of Agriculture.
US$ 200.00 US$ 187.00 187.0 USD
LoRaWAN Leaf Moisture Sensor
The Dragino LLMS01 is a LoRaWAN Leaf Moisture Sensor for IoT of Agriculture.
US$ 150.00 150.0 USD
US$ 0.50 0.5 USD
Industrial LoRaWAN Temperature Transmitter
The Dragino LTC2 Industrial LoRaWAN Temperature Transmitter is designed to monitor temperature for different environment.
US$ 90.00 90.0 USD
RS485-LN RS485 / Modbus to LoRaWAN Converter
The Dragino RS485-LN is a RS485 to LoRaWAN Converter.
US$ 56.00 56.0 USD
LoRa I/O Controller
The Dragino LT series I/O Modules are Long Range LoRa I/O Controller.
US$ 77.00 77.0 USD
Waterproof Long Range Wireless NB-IoT Sensor Node
1 x NBSN95 NB-IoT Sensor Node
1 x External NB-IoT antenna
US$ 65.00 65.0 USD
Waterproof Long Range Wireless LoRa Sensor Node
LSN50 LoRa Sensor Node is a Long Range LoRa Sensor Node.
US$ 72.00 US$ 53.00 53.0 USD
LoRaWAN Soil Moisture & EC Sensor
The Dragino LSE01 is a LoRaWAN Soil Moisture & EC Sensor for IoT of Agriculture.
US$ 200.00 US$ 157.00 157.0 USD